Jelena Porej

Jelena PorejJelena Porej

Global HR Director
GroundLink, Serbia

Jelena Porej has over 17 years of international HR experience in both corporate and academic environments. After spending 9 years at the Ohio State University, where she ultimately led HR function for University’s Office of Research, Jelena held HR positions with Volvo Trucks Corporation and Pratt & Whitney Canada. For the last four years, Jelena has been working for GroundLink, first as HR manager for Serbia operations, and starting in 2015, as a Global HR director. GroundLink is technology-based chauffeured black car service, offering rides in most major US cities and 110 countries, with offices in NY and Belgrade.

Jelena graduated from University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology. Her interests are in the fields of human behavior studies, social psychology, coaching, culture of achievement, language and communication. Jelena is a certified NLP master, the recipient of ArtofHR scholarship awarded by the Cotrugli Business School and is currently enrolled in the School’s Executive MBA program. Jelena is fluent in English and Italian.