This is an exciting time for COTRUGLI Business School as we continue to grown and adapt, always remaining innovative, motivated and responsive. The world of management education is an exciting area for work and play and we will continue to meet and gather inspiring people from all over the world in conference like ARTof.HR.

Over the next few days you can expect experts such as world’s leading HR authority Mr. Dave Ulrich and other esteemed keynote speakers to talk about creative HR strategies that drive every organization forward. Our goal is to encourage you to gather incentives and ideas for initiating new HR projects as well as to pick up practical tips & tricks for your business. Moreover, through many different workshops and events, you will have a chance to share your experiences and expand your business networ to an international level – all in te mesmerizing city of Dubrovnik.

Today we had welcome party with our guests, at Rixus Libertas Dubrovnik.

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All is ready for ARTof.HR Conference which starts tomorrow at 9 am, welcome!